To use a sound as your Email Sound, it must be placed in your "System File." This file is located in your System Folder and looks like a "suit case."
To install a sound there, first quit all applications. Next, drag the sound file to your closed System Folder.
You will then be prompted by a dialog box that will ask if you wish to place it in your System. Allow it to be installed.
Configuring Claris Emailer
Once you have placed the sound into your System File, launch Emailer. Under the "SetUp" menu, select "Preferences."
In the "Mail Handling" tab (the first one that appears), click on the "Play Sound" button and make sure there is an "X" in the check box.
Finally, select the email sound through the popup menu.
Configuring Eudora
Once you have placed the sound into your System File, launch Eudora.
Under the "Special" menu, select "Settings..." In the scroll window, scroll to "Getting Attention" and click it. Click on the button next to "Play A Sound" so that there is a check mark.
Finally, select the sound through the popup menu.
For more help via the world wide web, launch your web browser and and click on the middle button.
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